Biology AP Exam Reflection

The AP Biology exam was very dense and an extremely long three hours. It began bright and early at 8am, and did not end until 11:30. Some things that I was aware of before taking the exam was that it would not be easy. Tests are always a challenge, especially for someone like me who struggles during test taking. I am a very anxious test taker, so getting good sleep and eating a good breakfast was crucial to my success during the exam. I am glad that I did this because there was a lot of focus and cautious reading involved in doing well on this exam. If I had been hungry or not had enough rest for the exam, I would have struggled a lot to get through it. Fortunately, the multiple choice part of the exam was very logic based. It seemed like I did not have to use the knowledge from AP Biology class this year, rather I was asked to read the question very carefully and look out for tricky questions. It reminded me of the SAT in this sense. Unfortunately, even though I felt pretty confident about a lot of my answers on the multiple choice section of the exam, I was very short on time and was not able to finish the test. Though, I was sure to bubble a letter for each answer regardless if I had read the question or not. I have nothing to lose from guessing!

During the short answer portion of the test things got a little bit tricky. There were a total of eighth questions, all of which were very challenging and long. I started with the questions which were easiest for my to answer, then moved my way to the more challenging questions. At this point in the exam I was beginning to feel pretty burnt out which made it quite difficult for me to continue. Though, I reminded myself that I only had a short amount of time left to push through before it was over. I consistently supported myself and stayed positive throughout the test. Overall, I feel like I did the best I could and I will try to remind myself of that regardless of the score I will receive in July.

2 thoughts on “Biology AP Exam Reflection

  1. Francesca Dakin18 says:

    Izzy, I loved learning about the things you did this semester. Having never taken Biology, I can say that your website taught me a lot. I can tell that you did a lot of learning and that you are more than ready for the next step of your life, college!!!


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